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Single Tooth Implant in Richmond

At every stage of the procedure I felt that the whole team supported me
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Having a gap in your smile can make you feel self-conscious when you smile or talk, a gap further back in your mouth can affect how you bite or chew. One solution is the single tooth implant, this can resolve the problem naturally and invisibly.

Single Tooth

This process involves a titanium implant being placed into the jaw where the gap is. This usually does not take any longer than any other routine dental procedure. A temporary restoration will be placed to fill the gap while the implant fuses with the bone. Once the implant is firmly rooted a tooth coloured crown is fitted on the top, matching the shape and colour of the surrounding teeth. Thus achieving a full and healthy smile.

Single Tooth

" Very easy process and accommodating of my irregular university timetables. Very nice dentist. Very happy with my lovely straight teeth. "

- Hamish Andrew Chandler -
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Dr Harmit Kalsi
Teddington Dental & Sheen Dental

BDS (Manc) DGDP (UK) MGDS RCS (Eng) Cert. Dent. Implant(Lille2)
Dip Imp Dent RCS (Eng)
Clinical Director and Implantologist
GDC No. 59472

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