Fail-safe dentures

When you first get dentures in Richmond, they tend to start off gripping your gums very firmly. Sure, you still have to avoid particularly chewy, crunchy foods, but you cope pretty well with cooked things, and you can get the hang of talking with false teeth in your mouth.

But, over time, you’ll notice you need dental adhesive to keep your dentures on your gums, and maybe you’re not so quick to burst out laughing. What on earth is going on? At Sheen Dental Implants, we are all too well aware of what the problem is. You’ve got gum and bone recession.

Dentures in RichmondThe problem with dentures over time

When you no longer have tooth roots sending tiny tremors down into your jawbone, your body thinks you aren’t using your mouth to bite and chew anymore, and it starts to resorb all that precious bone calcium and send it for use elsewhere. Your jawbone literally shrinks in size and loses density, and your gums wither. You start looking sunken-faced and pointy-chinned, and your dentures, well, you’re not even sure they’re your dentures anymore; they seem to belong to someone with a much bigger face.

All that can change when you use dental implants to stabilise your dentures. In Richmond, at Sheen Dental Implants, denture stabilisation is a pretty popular choice. Many of our denture-wearing patients see denture stabilisation as a great halfway point between investing a lot of money in loads of dental implants, and putting up with the hassle and inconvenience that can come from wearing full or partial dentures.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants anchor your teeth into the jawbone, just like tooth roots do with your natural teeth. We have this great technique that uses mini dental implants, which we can insert directly into your jawbone through your gum. We can then attach special fittings that we can fit your dentures to. We can do this in a day, and you can leave with new teeth securely in place.

Your new implants will now stimulate your jawbone cells to regrow, helping you to keep your facial structure intact and healthy-looking.

To find out more about how dental implants can transform your dentures in Richmond, come in for a consultation.