How to get dental implants in Richmond

If you’ve decided that you want to get your teeth replaced using dental implants in Richmond, that’s one of the trickiest bits over and done. Now you need to know what practical steps to take to make it happen. That’s where Sheen Dental Implants comes in.

Dental Implants in RichmondWe know that a smooth process can make all the difference when you get dental implants in Richmond. Regardless of the individual variations in your treatment process, whether you need preparatory work or whether you need one, a few or all of your teeth replacing, Sheen Dental Implants can support you.

Step 1 – contact us

When you get dental implants in Richmond with us, we start off with a process of getting to know one another. Sheen Dental Implants gather information from you on the conditions in your mouth, your medical and dental history and details about your life that will help us to build a personalised treatment plan. You then have the opportunity to meet your dental team, ask questions and understand more about what comes next.

Step 2 – preparation

Getting ready for dental implants is a relatively simple process. We can talk to you about whether you need to book any time off work, what foods you will need to buy in for after your treatment and any other steps that you need to take in the run up to the day of your fitting.

This stage may also include any work that needs to be done to prepare your mouth for dental implants. It’s quite common for patients to require extraction work to remove the remains of old teeth. Sometimes we need to add material to the jawbone to build up the required density for dental implant support.

Step 3 – fitting

In order to fit dental implants, the dentist needs to drill a small hole in your jawbone for each one. This is typically done under local anaesthetic in most cases. You should not feel any pain during the process which takes, at most, a couple of hours to complete. Some people prefer to use additional sedation during the process but, if you are feeling anxious and think this might apply to you, we can talk to you about your options.