Implant-retained dentures versus traditional dentures in Richmond

When you think of dentures, you usually imagine a full set of teeth complete with pink gums inside a glass of water on a bedside table. But did you know that there are many different types of prosthetic teeth? For instance, bridges are also known as fixed partial dentures, while it is possible to have a full set of dentures supported by dental implants.

Dentures in RichmondAt Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, we offer a wide variety of implant-supported dentures. Some of them are completely fixed, therefore you do not have to take them in and out. Implant-supported dentures look like your natural teeth and require no special adhesive to stay in place. Here are some reasons why they may be a better option than traditional dentures in Richmond.

Disadvantages of traditional dentures

Besides being famous for causing discomfort and embarrassment while laughing, talking and eating, traditional dentures are not the best tooth replacement option anymore. When you first get dentures, they may cause sore spots in your mouth as they compress the soft tissues. At the same time, you may find it difficult to pronounce certain words or enjoy sticky and hard foods.

Wear and tear make dentures less stable over time, particularly in the lower jaw. This happens because wearing them accelerates bone loss in the jaw, which inevitably follows tooth loss. Although bone loss is invisible, the effects are easy to see. When you lose one or more teeth, the bone is reabsorbed by the body.

Over time, jawbone volume and density decrease significantly, causing your facial characteristics to change. If you are without teeth for long enough, bone loss can cause premature ageing whether you wear your dentures or not.

Implant-supported dentures

If you do not wish to abandon your dentures, but you are looking for a way to make them more stable and improve their function, then you could consider implant-retained dentures in Richmond. This type of denture combines the convenience and affordability of dentures and the stability of dental implants.

Implant-supported dentures look and function like natural teeth and restore your chewing ability. More importantly, dental implants provide the stimulation and support needed to prevent bone loss.