Your smile in our hands

Your smile is your most important non-verbal communication tool. It’s the tool you use at the checkout counter, when you hop on a bus, when you catch someone’s eye across a crowded dancefloor. So you want it to look its best, don’t you?

At Sheen Dental Implants, we know that your smile is vital for connecting and for bringing you happiness. We don’t think you should have to endure inconvenience and discomfort on a daily basis for your smile. That’s why, if you have lost teeth, we recommend replacing them with dental implants in Richmond.

Dental Implants in RichmondWhat do you stand to gain from dental implants?

In Richmond, dental implants have, over the past decade or two, been quietly revolutionising tooth replacement. It’s a quiet revolution because no one likes to admit that their teeth are not all their own. ‘Hey, look at me! I’ve got incredible new teeth’ is not something you hear at dinner parties. Neither do you want people to notice your new teeth because you just left them in a great steak.

You can avoid all the hassle and potential embarrassment of replacement teeth if you get dental implants in Richmond, because these little beauties are inserted directly into your jawbone, where they fuse into place, never to come out again.

At Sheen Dental Implants, we’ve been transforming people’s lives with all sorts of great tricks with dental implants. You can use them to replace one missing tooth – maybe you got one of your front teeth knocked out in a sports accident and are too young to be dealing with bridges and partial dentures.

One implant root can hold up to three teeth. This means you can get the equivalent of a fixed bridge without having to give up two perfectly good teeth to make abutments. On this basis, you can also use between four and six implants to replace a whole arch of teeth, avoiding the need for dentures.

We can even use mini implants to stabilise your dentures, if you are already a wearer. We can customise your current dentures, or create fabulous new ones that no one will ever know are not your own pearly whites.