Are You Really Brushing Your Teeth Properly?

Although after-care for those who have experienced dental implants in Richmond is relatively simple and hassle-free, it does involve a continual high standard of oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth properly. Straight away, you might be thinking, “why do I want to read a blog on how to brush my teeth” after all you’ve been doing it two or more times a day since you were little right? The problem is that there a a good many people who may think that they’re brushing their teeth properly, but aren’t.

The two minute rule

Firstly when brushing your teeth you need to be doing it for a minimum of two minutes. This is actually longer than you think so you might want to check your watch, set a timer or buy an electric tooth brush with a built in 2 minute timer. Secondly maintain the brush at a 45 degree angle to your teeth and using gentle vertical strokes, run the toothbrush over the front of your teeth. Doing this gently won’t harm the gums and teeth. After you’ve brushed the front, then turn the brush head perpendicular and start at the back under side slowly brushing along. Continue along both the top and bottom rows until all your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned.

dental implants in Richmond

A word about rinsing.

Most people at this point will rinse their mouth with water. This is all well and good, but what swilling your mouth with water does is that it washes way or dilutes the toothpaste that’s been specially formulated to clean your teeth. Instead It’s far better to simply spit the excess toothpaste out.

Next use either dental floss or a water pick to make sure that any debris that hasn’t been removed by your tooth brush, is removed. If it isn’t then the layers of sticky plaque can build up at the base of your gum causing tartar. Tarter can’t be removed by normal brushing alone and will need a visit to the hygienist before it causes any damage to the gum which can in turn weaken any dental implant. In Richmond we recommend flossing or the use of a water pick once a day.

Finally a good rinse through with a recommended mouthwash completes the process. Do be aware that with regard to mouthwashes. you should use the type that suits your needs. For those who have undergone dental implants in Richmond for example, a good anti-gingivitis mouthwash will further protect the newly placed implants from harmful bacteria.

If you are unsure about exactly how to clean your teeth properly after having implant surgery, then don’t hesitate to speak to your dentist. After all, it’s in their interest too that you look after your implants. They’ll be more than happy to give proper advice.

If you want to know more about dental implants in general and how they can change your life, then you need to speak to Sheen Dental on 020 8876 52277. Book a free, no-obligation consultation with us and get all your queries, questions and concerns answered. Alternatively why not visit our website at where you can find a wealth of information on the subject.