Dental Implants – The Importance Of A Healthy Mouth

It would be extremely easy to focus on the glamorous, aesthetic appeal that undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond can bring and rightly so. However, it’s also important to remember that maintaining basic dental health is absolutely vital to the ongoing success of those implants.

dental-implants-in-richmondEven prior to fitting implants, the importance of having a healthy mouth cannot be underestimated. This is why prior to any treatment implant dentists will insist that any tooth decay, abscesses, or gum disease is treated, but why is this?

Symptoms such as bleeding gums, the appearance of tooth decay, or abscesses could all be signs of periodontal (gum) disease. When periodontal disease is left and not treated it causes bone loss. The issue for dental implants are that they need to be placed into healthy and sufficient bone mass for them to thrive. Clearly this mightn’t be the case if the patient is suffering from advanced stages of periodontal disease.

Aside from this, there’s another problem associated with an unhealthy mouth and that’s bacteria. Unfortunately despite the fact that a well placed dental implant in Richmond is incredibly strong and durable it can be affected by bacteria, especially in the first few months of placement. Bacteria found in an unhealthy mouth can attack the gum line surrounding the implant causing the implant to weaken and eventually fall out over time. So for these reasons above to ensure longevity a dental implant needs to be placed into a healthy mouth.

So what if my mouth isn’t healthy, does this mean that I’m not eligible?

In a word no, it simply means that these problems need to be dealt with first. This may involve a course of antibiotics, a really thorough hygiene clean, or even a root canal to eradicate more severe abscesses, but whatever the treatment, this needs to be done first before any implants can be placed.

But what about after placement?

It’s imperative that a patient brushes regularly and thoroughly to ensure that the mouth remains in a good oral state, as well as maintaining regular dental check-ups. This ensures that the implant will be given the best chance of survival. For the patient this is a lifelong commitment to your teeth, However if carried out to the letter, it can see your dental implants lasting 30 years or more without a hitch.

To find out more about being eligible for dental implants in Richmond, then why not book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. They’ll discuss your needs and requirements and ensure that you have all the information you need in order to make an informed dental decision. To book yours ether visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.