Dental Implants – What To Expect The First 24 Hours After Surgery

We’ve been carrying out dental implants in Richmond with great success for many years and during this time we’ve found that one of the most frequently asked questions is “What should I expect after surgery?” Although much of this is covered in your treatment plan, we thought we’d put together a quick guide outlining what you should expect within the first 24 hours.

dental implants in RichmondOnce surgery is completed the dentist will allow you to go home as soon as it’s safe to do so. It’s advisable not to drive and as a result you should be accompanied by someone who can drive you home. You should also rest for a minimum of 12 hours.

Depending upon the type of anaesthetic you’ve had it might cause a little amnesia. Episodes will probably be transient, so refrain from making any important judgements or decisions for at least 24 hours.

Avoid any physical exercise or excessive movement. Certain anaesthetics may remain in your system for 24-48 hours after so you might feel tired or even a little ‘low’. This is also why you should avoid drinking alcohol for the first 24-48 hours after implant surgery.

When it comes to eating and drinking, don’t do anything until you’re home. It’s important to eat the right foods to build up your strength but only when you feel ready. For the first 24 hours start off with sips of water and then if you feel like it, try some soup. It shouldn’t be too hot as this can be problematic to the implant area. Also for the first 24-48 hours at least, avoid acidic drinks such as orange or lemon juice. Slowly progress onto solid foods when you’re ready.

Depending upon the amount of surgery you have you may or may not experience a little swelling and bruising. If this is the case then it generally appears 24-48 hours after surgery. Your dentist might suggest a combination of hot and cold compresses placed gently on the area to ease it. In addition if you have any pain, then you’ll be advised in your treatment plan the types of medication you should take. Normally these are over-the-counter pain killers and anti-inflammatory’s but this will depend on whether you’re taking regular medication for a different ailment.

In very general terms the recovery process is normally pretty quick. For instance, in those people that have experienced minimal implant surgery, they can often expect to return to work the very next day. Even in people who have undergone multiple implants plus bone graft procedures, then in 2-3 weeks they should be eating and carrying out daily tasks as normal.

If you’re interested in how dental implants in Richmond can help you then why not contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. By speaking to the professionals first hand it allows you to make a fully-informed decision about your dental future. To book yours, either contact us via our website at or alternatively, pick up the phone and call us on 020 8876 5277 today