Does The Age Of The Patient Have Any Bearing On The Use Of Dental Implants?

One of the most fascinating concepts of dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the UK and overseas, is just how versatile they are. The implant procedure can be modified and adapted to make it suitable for almost any patient, even OAP’s. It’s this characteristic which is especially appealing, since not only are we living longer, but almost half of adults over 65 have missing teeth.

It’s fair to say that tooth loss is a more common occurrence in elderly people but that doesn’t make it any the less challenging. Indeed losing teeth can impact greatly on a person’s chewing ability and diet, and can in cases lead to the elderly missing out on essential vitamins and nutrients and being restricted to soft, sloppy foods. Even speaking clearly can be difficult with missing teeth. All of these factors can make an older person feel even older than their years, lower their self confidence, and make them feel self-conscious.

dental implants in RichmondIf you’re experiencing any or all of these problems then your dentist may well suggest dental implants to overcome these obstacles. There are some criteria to determine whether indeed implants  are suitable for you, although fortunately there are few factors which will exclude you from treatment, including your age. Although there is a minimum age (and that depends on when a person’s jaw has reached maturity) there is no maximum limit.

For the best chance of a successful dental implant the following points will need consideration:

  • Is there sufficient bone in which to place implants? If not then a bone graft may be suggested.
  • All chronic or systemic health conditions need to be fully under control and this includes diabetes which can hinder the healing process.
  • Are you a smoker? Smoking can cause infection and hinder the healing process so it’s best to quit.
  • Is your oral healthy good? If not, then any issues will have to be treated before an implant can be considered.
  • You must disclose any medication that you are taking since some medicines can interfere with the healing process or interact with any prescribed medications during the implant procedure.

If you’re interested in learning more about a dental implant in Richmond, or finding out if you’re a suitable candidate, then why not book a free no-obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. Alternatively you can find out more information about all the dental treatments we offer by visiting our website at