Does The Dental Implant Procedure Hurt?

Here at Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully fitting dental implants in Richmond for decades. As such one of the first questions we’re often asked by those looking into the procedure is “Does it hurt?” The answer we always give is usually not! The reasons for this is because the jaw bone (where the implant is attached to) has very few nerve endings therefore the placement of implants cause at the very most, minor discomfort – perhaps the equivalent to having a dead tooth removed. That said, there are also further things that can be done to decrease pain further.

dental implants in RichmondWhat about conscious sedation?

In addition most patients undertake the procedure whilst under conscious sedation. As the name suggests the patient remains fully awake so as to be able to respond to the needs of the dentist but remains in a completely relaxed state. Conscious sedation also helps to relax nervous patients who would otherwise feel anxious and stressed.

What about selecting the right dentist?

A skilled and experienced dentist who practices meticulous surgical techniques is also vital in the quest for a pain free experience. A great technique is one of the underlying factors in decreasing a patient’s pain both during and after surgery. For this reason it’s well worth asking the dentist about their experience in this field before you decide to have the treatment done with them.

How about pain after surgery?

Like most surgical procedures a patient may experience a little discomfort after the event but more often than not it’s usually relieved using standard over-the-counter pain killers. In fact, for many patients who come to our practice to have a simple dental implant in Richmond, more often than not, they’re back to work the very next day. Those needing slightly more complex surgery and/or more implants may experience a little facial swelling and/or bruising after the event but again, pain should be minimal and is usually dealt with by taking a paracetamol or some antibiotics.

The vast majority of people who undergo this kind of treatment are amazed by how little pain they feel. This equates to both during and after the event and as long as you select the right implant dentist and the right clinic, then you too will be one of those vast majority of people.

To find out more contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 and book your free, no-obligation consultation. Or instead why not visit our website at where you can find a wealth of information to help you make the right decision.