Fix your smile with dental implants

People lose their teeth every day by accident or due to a lifetime of neglect. While it is a personal ordeal that impacts your confidence and way of life, having one or multiple teeth replaced with fake ones is more common than you think. Dental implants in Richmond have been putting smiles on people’s faces since the early 1970s. Since then, further developments have been made to their design to make them better, but their role remains largely the same, we replace your tooth at the root so that you can enjoy your life unhindered by the inconveniences of badly-fitting dentures or a gummy mouth.

Dental Implants in RichmondWhy implants are better than dentures for some

The biological process, ossification was discovered accidentally by an orthopaedic surgeon in 1952 while successfully healing a bone using titanium. After its success, he tried to remove the metal but found that he could not because the titanium had fused with the bone. Dental implants in Richmond are built on the premise that titanium bonds with the jaw bone and becomes part of the mouth, which, therefore, allows Sheen Dental Implants to replace a broken or missing tooth at its root.

Where technology and biology meet.

Dental implantology is a simple procedure where we drill a metal post on the jawbone. The time it takes to recover, for bone and screw to fuse fully, is around four months. Once ready, we place an abutment on the post to connect it to the crown or artificial tooth.

Unlike a denture’s removable nature, the crown is securely fitted in place, and the only way it can be removed is by a professional. Eat what you like without fear of damaging your prosthetic and talk to others without worrying about whether your denture will slip out of place mid-conversation.

Low key cleaning is the ultimate convenience.

How different is brushing a fake tooth when compared to one that is natural? There are no differences – brush your dental implant following your regular cleaning routine – by brushing, flossing and rinsing, and visit your dentist often for check-ups.

Healthy bones and jaw

Losing a tooth is not just embarrassing, but it also has long term health implications for your bones and jaw. The absence of a tooth pressing down on the underneath tissue as you chew and speak means your jaw is under stimulated which results in brittle bones, bone deterioration and muscle atrophy because of a lack of use. Having dentures will not prevent this from happening because your teeth, as mentioned before, are not replaced at the root but the device merely covers your gums and remaining teeth.

Know your options – the types of implants currently on the market

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to implants, and you might discover that you are not a suitable candidate because you are not healthy enough. One requirement for getting an implant is having enough bone. If you still want the procedure done, you will first have to consider bone graft surgery.

You do not need bone grafts with zygomatic implants. An implant of this kind is embedded in your cheekbone, also known as the zygoma bone which is dense enough for implantology to take place successfully, eliminating the need for you to have a sufficient amount of jaw bone.

All-on-4 implants can replace your entire upper or lower front teeth using only four titanium screws in any available bone, which again makes the need for bone grafts null and void.

Put that smile back on your face with low maintenance and high reward dental implants.