Is It Okay For My Child To Have Dental Implants?

Here at Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team regularly fit dental implants in Richmond and it’s fair to say that we’ve treated patients of all ages. As a result you can rest assured that age is certainly no barrier. However what if one of your child’s teeth are knocked out in a sporting accident. Are they also able to have implant treatment?

dental implants in RichmondThere’s no doubting that dental implants offer the best solution for missing teeth. however before they’re secured into the jawbone, they need healthy and sufficient bone mass to be able to flourish. This usually ensures both stability and longevity. The issue with children and young adults under the age of 18 is that they are still growing physically and this includes bone mass. Therefore it’s too risky to place implants in a young adult under this age.

So what can be done in the meantime?

Firstly, it’s important that the missing tooth be replaced with a temporary prosthetic as soon as possible. This helps to fill the space and ensures all the other existing teeth remain straight and don’t gravitate towards the gap. Once the prosthetic has been fitted the child will be able to eat, speak, and smile as normal, thus avoiding any confidence and social development issues.

Over the coming years we’ll monitor them closely and once he or she has stopped growing (usually around 16 in girls and 18-19 in boys) then the temporary prosthetic is removed and a proper dental implant can then be placed.

Remember if your child has suffered a missing tooth they shouldn’t have to suffer as it’s never too soon to get help. Even though we might not be able to fit implants right away, we can certainly start the ball rolling by planning for their dental future.

Why not contact us on 020 8876 5277 and our experienced and friendly team will be more than happy to discuss your child’s options. Or if you want to find out more information about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life then take a look at our website at Alternatively why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered. allowing you to make a clear and concise decision about your child’s dental health.