Is it worth getting just one dental implant in Richmond?

If you have had an accident that has resulted in the loss of one to 3 teeth in a row, one option for replacing them is with a dental implant in Richmond. But is it worth all the hassle when you could just get a partial denture or fixed bridgework? After all, they’d be so much cheaper and they’d look just as good.

Dental Implants in RichmondThat’s a good question and one we hear often here at Sheen Dental Implants. Of course, people want to save money but there are some serious advantages to investing in a dental implant in Richmond, especially if you are young. Let’s take a look at them here.

Chewing power

A dental implant can give you back your full chewing power. A partial denture, which sits on a plate that goes behind your teeth cannot. At best it can offer about a quarter of the power you are used to using. Also, bits of food, such as rice, can get underneath it, so eating won’t have as much freedom as before.


Dentures tend to slip and move about. If you’ve got a plate on your lower jaw, it might rise up when you yawn.

Your other teeth

If you are thinking about having fixed bridgework, it does give better stability than dentures, but there’s a high price to pay for your other teeth. The 2 teeth on either side of the gap will be sacrificed and turned into buttresses onto which the bridge will be fitted. They will be ground down and covered with buttress caps and never be teeth in their own right again.

Your jawbone

The area where you have lost teeth will no longer have roots in it. You need roots to transmit the vibrations from impacts that keep your jawbone strong and healthy. Without these signals that the jawbone is still in use, the gum and bone here will start to disappear.

Your bank balance

You will have to replace your denture or bridgework every few years. You may never need to replace your dental implant in Richmond, which, over the decades could work out cheaper than the other replacement options.