Missing Teeth? Have You Thought About Dental Implants?

Your smile is often one of the first things that people notice about you and if it isn’t looking its best then it can knock your confidence. How any times have you kept your mouth closed when having a photo taken for fear of your unsightly gaps or badly decayed teeth being on view. Here at Sheen Dental we see many patients who are missing teeth either through an accident, decay, or trauma and most times their self esteem is at an all time low and they feel there are few options available to them, and what options there are, they find quite terrifying.

dental-implantsHere at Sheen Dental Dr. Harmit Kalsi carries out dental implants in Richmond. He is a most kind and compassionate implant surgeon who deals with a wide range of dental implant procedures for patients in Richmond and further afield. He has the knowledge and expertise to resolve a wide range of issues from a single tooth to no teeth at all.

Are you feeling nervous?

Many patients are reluctant to have dental implant treatment because of their fear of surgery and the thought of being in pain. Trust us when we say that our patients tell us that the implant procedure wasn’t even as bad as having a tooth filled or extracted. In fact, those patients who chose to have the procedure carried out with IV Sedation barely recall the procedure, if at all.

Free implant consultation

Often the fear of the unknown is worse than the actual event, which is part and parcel of why we offer a free implant consultation. This gives a prospective patient an opportunity to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, get their questions answered, and take a tour of the facilities. All of this makes them more comfortable with the thought of having surgery as next time they visit they’ll be on familiar territory.

In addition the consultation is a time when Dr. Kalsi can ascertain if dental implant treatment is the best course of action for your case, and whether you’re a suitable candidate. He’ll discuss your oral and medical history and take X-rays to determine your jawbone density. If dental implants are suitable for you, then he’ll draw up a treatment plan and projected costs so you can go home and think things through before reaching a decision. You’ll be pleased to know that we also offer a  variety of payment methods so that everyone can have the treatment they deserve.

If you’d like to know more getting a dental implant in Richmond and if indeed you’re a suitable candidate, then come and have a chat with us here at Sheen Dental. You can book your free implant consultation online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or phone us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.