Relaxation – Your Key To Controlling Dental Anxiety

If you’re waiting to undergo surgery for dental implants in Richmond, then there’s no doubt that you’re going to feel both apprehensive and nervous. That’s okay! After all you probably wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t. That said there are things that you can do on a personal level to make yourself feel more relaxed before your visit and this is often the key to controlling your dental anxiety. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.


The ancient Greeks strongly believed that music had the capability to heal and used it in the treatment of certain ailments. It turns out that they weren’t completely bonkers either. Studies have shown that music does indeed have an immediate effect on the body and as you listen to a soothing tune physical things start to happen. These include:


  • A decrease in heart rate
  • Slower breathing
  • Decrease in the tension of your muscles.

While experts aren’t exactly sure how it works, there’s no mistaking the fact that it does. So try relaxing in a comfy chair, putting on some headphones, closing your eyes and listening to some soothing tunes.


Taking yourself for a walk is a great way of clearing your head and relaxing the mind particularly if you consider a walk in the park or any other kind of green spaces. Thanks to a phenomenon known as involuntary attention it allows the brain to take in the peace and tranquillity that’s going on around us whilst allowing the mind to concentrate on reflection. Both of these acts together have been proven help to ease stress and focus the mind more positively. All that aside, it’s exercise and it’s good for you.

Deep Breathing

Yes we all know that breathing deeply when stressed has a calming effect but do you know why it works? According to experts, the parasympathetic nervous system or PNS makes up one part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This is the system that as a whole is responsible for helping the body to regulate a variety of functions including digestion, breathing, sweating and heart rate. The parasympathetic nervous system is designed to slow down these functions and when we breathe deeply, it triggers off a PNS reaction allowing the body to slow down our breathing and heart rate, making us feel both calm and relaxed.

So there you have it, 3 ways to make you immediately feel more relaxed!

Modern-day dentistry recognises that a patient who feels relaxed and calm is going to have a much better dental experience and this is important when it comes to more complex procedures such as dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we ask patients to talk to us about their dental anxieties and how we can help them improve their overall experience with us. To find out more contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at