Snacks For Healthy Teeth

When it comes to replacing natural teeth, then it’s fair to say there isn’t another tooth replacement option that looks, feel, and functions as closely to a real tooth than a dental implant. In Richmond, we carry out dental implants on a regular basis to replace teeth that have been lost through decay or injury and they do a fantastic job of restoring a person’s smile and bite functionality. However there is nothing quite like a person’s own teeth and as dentists we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t advise our patients on the best way of looking after their teeth. Concerned patients often ask for our advice on healthy snacks to give their children after school, as left to make their own choices most children would opt for colourful packets containing sugary foods.

Dental Implants in RichmondGo natural

The foods which are best for children’s teeth also happen to be those that are best for their overall health too, and fresh fruit or vegetables are always the best choice for snacks. Try giving them sticks of celery or carrots to dip into natural peanut butter or home-made guacamole. Or give them a crunchy apple cut into slices accompanied by a small square of cheese.

Lean proteins

Lean proteins make a good snacking option and these can be found in foods such as chicken or turkey breast, fish and lean cuts of pork. Avoid giving your child too many pre-packed cold meats because these are often high in sodium. However, these proteins contain little sugar which is always the best choice of teeth.

Steer clear of packages foods

Sugars are bad for your child partly because they stick to the enamel surface of their teeth. Even so called healthy muesli bars can be full of hidden sugar. You will also find a high concentration of sugar in honey, syrup and dried fruit. As a rule of thumb if any food has been radically changed from its original status, then perhaps you could choose better.


Drinks are another misleading area with many fruit juices which parents might consider a healthy choice actually being loaded with sugar, and as for fizzy drinks, well don’t even go there! The best choices for children are plain water or low fat milk which contains calcium that strengthens the bone structure supporting the teeth.

By giving your children healthy snacks and by bringing them for regular visits to the dentist, you will be getting them into good habits which can only benefit them. Losing teeth as a young child is a time for celebration but losing a permanent tooth is extremely serious. A child cannot undergo a dental implant in Richmond at Sheen Dental for the simple reason that they are still growing and the jaw is changing shape. Generally speaking they wouldn’t be eligible until about the age of 16 for a girl and 18 for a boy, but it depends on each individual. If unfortunately your child has a missing permanent tooth then come and see us and we can discuss their dental options. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at for more information.