Want To Keep Your Dentures In Place Without Using Adhesive?

If you wear dentures then we recommend that you consider dental implants in Richmond to stabilise them. They really can change the quality of your life.

dental-dentures-richmondWhy dentures become loose

It’s a sad fact of life that while dentures do a reasonable job of replacing your missing teeth they never retain their fit. This is mainly because of the bone loss, which occurs once teeth are lost, which undermines the jawbone and causes the shape of the face to alter. Loose dentures can cause all sorts of problems such as sore gums, speech problems, and difficulty in chewing your food. Most denture wearers find they need to resort to using dental adhesives to try and keep their wayward dentures in check. Not only does the adhesive taste horrid, but it’s yet another continued expense. As a result denture wearers often loose their confidence for fear that moving dentures will embarrass them in public, plus they often need to change their diet to one of soft bland foods.

How dental implants can help

Securing your dentures with dental implants can solve the above issues. An implant is made from titanium and this is inserted into the jawbone. After a few weeks the implant and the surrounding bone fuse together so that the implant becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth. It then acts like a tooth root to secure a prosthesis to the gums and puts a halt to bone loss.

At Sheen Dental we offer two options for denture wearers – denture stabilisation utilising dental implants or bridgework, again using dental implants.

Denture stabilisation involves using up to 4 dental implants which your dentures are then clipped onto using special connectors. This gives them support and prevents them from moving around or falling out of your mouth. Your dentist will show you how to remove them for cleaning and how to re-attach them afterwards.

Unlike dentures, bridges can’t be removed and need to be cared for like your normal teeth with regular visits to the dentist and professional cleans to remove any build up of plaque.

If you’re tired of your dentures moving around and making your mouth sore, why not come and speak to us about denture stabilisation or bridgework. It really is a great solution. Call us to book a free consultation on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Trust us to get you smiling.