Why choosing dental implants is an investment in your future and your smile

By choosing dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you choose to invest not just in your smile, but in your future. Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond offers both simple and complex implant procedures, designed to replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth.

dental-implants-in-richmondDental implants replace the root portions of any lost teeth, not just supporting crowns, dentures, or a bridge, but also helping to preserve the health of your jaw bone. When several or all the teeth are missing for any period of time, your jaw bone is likely to resorb or shrink back. Whilst this can make the placement of dental implants more complex, it is no longer impossible. You may just need a bone graft or bone expansion procedure first.

Resorbtion of the jaw bone leads to poorly-fitting traditional dentures. We welcome patients who are suffering from loose dentures to our Richmond dental practice for denture stabilisation procedures. This involves placing a series of dental implants in your jaw then attaching your dentures to them.

Dentures can either be permanently attached to dental implants, or can still be removable for cleaning. Your dentist will discuss your treatment options with you when you come for a dental implant consultation at our Richmond clinic.

Many people who wear traditional dentures experience problems as their jaw bone resorbs. Ill-fitting dentures can make it difficult to eat anything but soft foods, can impact on your speech, and can also destroy your self-esteem if your teeth are prone to falling out. Dental implants solve all of these problems.

Teeth attached to dental implants look and act just like the real thing. They are designed to last for many years, so long as you take good care of them and attend regular maintenance and dental hygiene appointments at our Richmond clinic.

We accept referrals from dentists across Richmond and beyond whose patients require more complex dental implant procedures. You can also refer yourself if your dentist has told you that you are unsuitable for implant-based treatment because you have experienced bone loss. We offer both bone expansion and bone grafting procedures.