Restore your dental capabilities

Losing a tooth can change your life. It feels strange at first, and can soon become a nagging cosmetic issue. The loss of several teeth can cause long-term oral health and hygiene difficulties. At Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, dental implants provide an effective and long-lasting solution to the problems associated with missing teeth.

Our treatment draws on a wealth of knowledge and experience, leaving you with new teeth that look natural and are fully integrated with your jawbone. Provided you care for them properly, they’ll remain in your mouth for decades.

Dental Implants in RichmondHow to receive dental implants in Richmond

We’re always happy to talk to you about dental implants in Richmond at our contemporary and comfortable practice. At your initial consultation, we can make sure you have sufficient jawbone density, as well as good enough oral health, to receive the implants. There might be a bit of preliminary work for us to do, to bring you up to a suitable standard.

Then there’ll be some minor surgery, during which we place small titanium posts into your jawbone. After a rest, you’ll return to our practice to have the new, customised teeth attached to the posts.

Benefits to your oral health

Dental implants in Richmond can improve your oral health in several ways:

  • The jawbone securely meshes with the implanted titanium, resulting in a strong base for your new teeth. You can bite into and chew your food just like you did with your natural teeth;
  • The new teeth are easy to care for. They stay in your mouth, so there’s no messing about with adhesives or clips;
  • You’ll maintain the integrity of the bone structure beneath your face, and thus avoid the sunken look that can develop after long-term tooth loss;
  • Your smile will be much improved;
  • You might find some words easier to pronounce.

An easier future

It could take a few months to receive your dental implants in Richmond. However, the oral health benefits will last for many years after the treatment is finished. These improvements can add up to a real boost in your overall experience of life.