Uncovering 4 Myths About Dental Implants That You Really Should Know

If you’re considering being fitted for dental implants in Richmond then it’s understandable that you’re going to feel somewhat apprehensive about what’s to come. As experienced implant dentists this is something we see commonly here at Sheen Dental. However more often than not, it’s down to the many misconceptions and myths surrounding the process. With this in mind we thought that it would be a good idea to expose some of the biggest misconceptions for what they are and hopefully put your mind at rest.

The surgery is painful

dental implants in RichmondThe good news is that in the 21st century we live in a world full of technological advancements and this applies to dentistry too. Nowadays inventions such as dental wands and controlled conscious sedation for anxious and nervous patients means that pain free surgery is a norm rather than a possibility. At Sheen Dental, ‘quick‘, ‘comfortable‘ and ‘pain free‘ are words that we hear from our patients all the time.

The recovery period is a long one

It’s understandable why some people would think this as there’s often an element of confusion over what constitutes recovery. When it comes to dental implants there are in fact two forms of recovery. Firstly there’s recovery from the surgical process itself. This is normally very quick and in many cases people return to work the very next day. In more complex cases it can take a little longer (up to 10 days or so). During this time there may be some slight discomfort and swelling but this doesn’t affect everyone and even when it does, it’s usually brought under control quickly using over-the-counter pain killers.

The second type of recovery is the time taken for the surrounding bone tissue to fuse with the titanium implant. This is what gives the implant its strength to be able to support a crown, bridge, or even dentures. The process known as osseointegration can take anywhere between 6 weeks and 3 months depending upon the healing capabilities of the individual and is something the patient will be completely unaware of as they go about their normal daily activities.

You’ll be left with gaps in your teeth during the lengthy treatment

If you decide to opt for a dental implant in Richmond, then at Sheen Dental we can promise you that at no time will you be left with gaps in your teeth or horrible spikes where the implants have been fitted. Throughout the whole process which can take up to 9 months or longer in complex cases we’ll provide you with temporary crowns so that you can eat, speak, and smile normally without embarrassment.

Once fitted implants last a lifetime

The human body isn’t a perfect organism and for this reason implants should never be guaranteed to last a lifetime. There are simply too many natural and/or man made factors that could hinder this assumption. That said, what we do know is that the very first dental implants were placed into a Swedish Gentleman by the name of Gosta Laarson back in 1965. His implants were still going strong right up until his death in 2006 some 41 years later. What we can say for sure is that when dental implants are cared for using high standards of oral hygiene coupled with regular check-ups, they have by far the longest shelf-life of any form of teeth replacement including dentures. How long that actually is could be down to the patient and the ongoing care they receive.

Hopefully this has given you a clearer picture on what to expect from the implant process, so if after reading this you’re keen to find out more about dental implants in Richmond, then why not attend a free, no-obligation consultation with us. To make a booking either contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively phone us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to meeting you.