Bringing Back Your Smile With Dental Implants

Here at Sheen Dental, most patients who come to see us about having dental implants in Richmond, do so because they’re either fed up with wearing dentures, or are embarrassed about having missing teeth. Either way they’re understandably pretty miserable. The good news is that dental implants are revolutionary in terms of teeth replacement and as such can change people’s lives in more ways than you might think.

Boosts confidence levels

When people experience ill-fitting removable dentures or have missing teeth they often prefer to withdraw from social situations such as eating out in public or meeting new people for fear of embarrassment.

Many no longer go out and for some people it can knock their confidence levels so much that they’re at an all time low. It affects their self esteem and has an impact on the way that they see themselves. Further more, they see no light at the end of the tunnel and eventually they withdraw into themselves becoming a shadow of the person that they once were.


dental implants in RichmondDental implants have the ability to change all of that. They’re considered the most life-like and natural looking form of teeth replacement that modern dentistry has. No longer do people have to worry about embarrassing movement or slippage as can happen with dentures and in addition they can speak naturally without having to fear bad annunciation. In fact anyone who’s been fitted with a great set of dental implants will realise that other people will find it very hard to distinguish the difference between their natural teeth and the newly implanted teeth. This gives the person the freedom to do everything that they used to do, and even take on new challenges.

Improved overall health

Yes it’s true, dental implants in Richmond can also improve not just a patient’s dental health, but their overall health too. Those with missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures may have to avoid certain foods because they’re proving difficult to eat. This can limit their nutritional intake. With implants, a patient is free to eat what they like, giving them a wider range of nutritional foods to choose from and with it, the opportunity to eat a better, well-balanced diet which can ultimately have a major positive impact on their overall health.

Younger looks

Unfortunately when a person experiences missing teeth it kick-starts a catalyst of events including continued bone loss. As time goes on the jaw bone starts to waste away in a process known as resorption. This eventually leaves them with sunken facial features, making them appear older than their years. Other forms of teeth replacement such as dentures won’t stop this process and in some cases can exacerbate it. Implants on the other hand are the only form of tooth replacement that have the ability to re-stimulate bone growth, thus stopping the ageing process. Implants can also give the appearance of a fuller mouth. As such many wearers are surprised at just how much younger they look.

As you can see, missing teeth can have a deep impact on many aspects of a person’s life. As such those with missing teeth don’t realise the significance that this has until it’s too late. If you’ve experienced tooth loss, then help is at hand. At Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully placing dental implants In Richmond, London for many years and as a result know first hand the true benefits they’ve brought many of our previous patients. If you want to bring back your smile, then contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit out website at and book yourself a free no obligation consultation. Here you can meet the team and get all your questions and concerns answered so that you can make an informed decision abut your dental health. Start the ball rolling and book yours today. You’ll be glad that you did!