Exploring The Advantages Of Dental Implants vs False Teeth

There’s no denying that when a patient is fitted for dental implants in Richmond, they’re getting the most advanced method of teeth replacement that modern dentistry allows. However the argument for whether implants are truly ‘better than dentures’ often boils down to a differing of opinion. That said, what we do know is that implants have some key advantages over their counterparts. So with this in mind, let’s take a closer look.

They’re a permanent fix

The first real advantage is that dental implants are attached by securing them into the jawbone. This is a permanent fix meaning that they don’t rely on dental fixative in order to keep them in place. As such, wearers can feel confident that they aren’t going to slip and slide around the mouth ending in awkward and embarrassing situations. In addition because they’re anchored into the jawbone they don’t need to be removed at night or for cleaning. Instead they’re treated just as your normal teeth would be.

Halt bone loss

dental implants in RichmondAlthough advancements in dentistry means that modern-day removable dentures are far more lifelike, lightweight and comfortable than they were say ten or fifteen years ago, they still present one problem – they can’t prevent continued bone loss. It occurs naturally when teeth are missing and because of this it changes the shape of the jaw. Ultimately this means that once snug-fitting dentures become loose. For this reason, anyone wearing them can expect to have them regularly adjusted and eventually replaced. Conversely, when you’re fitted with a dental implant in Richmond, the titanium implant is anchored directly into the jaw bone. When this happens it tricks the surrounding bone into thinking that it’s a new tooth root As a result the surrounding bone tissue starts to regenerate, eventually fusing with the implant to create a super-strong platform. Hey presto! No more bone loss.

They make everyday living easier

If removable dentures feel slightly unnatural it’s generally because they are. Let’s face it, our mouths just weren’t built to house false teeth! Dentures can be uncomfortable to wear and make every day tasks such as eating and speaking difficult. With dental implants you simply don’t have any of these problems. Patients can expect to eat and speak normally without any issues.

So there you have it, the key advantages to dental implants in a nutshell..

If you want to find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then contact Sheen Dental. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been successfully placing implants for many years and know first hand the true benefits that they can bring to patients Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation by visiting our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or calling us on 020 8876 5277 today.