How Can I Know If I’m A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant?

Dental implants have fast become one of the most popular dental treatments to replace missing teeth. Secured in the mouth with titanium posts, restorative devices such as crowns and dentures feel far more natural and there is no risk of slipping or sliding as with conventional dentures. However, if you’re just starting to consider a dental implant in Richmond, per se, how do you know if you’re likely to be a suitable candidate?

dental implants in RichmondIf your general health is good and you’ve lost one or more teeth through to decay or injury then there’s every indication that you may be a suitable candidate for implants. However, your dentist will also check for further signs to confirm his initial assessment.

Good oral health

If dental implants are to be successful then they need to be planted into a healthy mouth. In the event that you’re suffering from gum disease or periodontitis this would have to be treated prior to implant surgery being considered.

Strong jawbone

Dental implants are placed into the jaw and this needs to be strong enough to hold the implant securely in place and to fuse successfully together (a process known as osseointegration). If your jawbone is thin or delicate this doesn’t have to prevent you from having implants, but it’s likely that your surgeon will suggest bone grafts to improve the quality of the bone and strengthen the jaw, prior to implant surgery.


Most dentists will recommend that you stop smoking no matter what, but it is especially important if you are considering dental implants. It has been well documented that tobacco smoke can irritate the soft gum tissue during healing and smoking itself can also delay the healing and osseointegration process. All of this can lead to infections or rejection of the implant. If you are a smoker then you will be asked to quit for at least 6 weeks leading up to surgery.

For many people dental implants are a great way of improving the appearance of their smile and their health. Only a qualified and experienced dental professional can carry out a proper assessment and decide whether dental implants are the right choice for them. If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then why not come and see us. Call today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at to book a free no-obligation consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi.