Top Tips For Patients To Aid Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

Getting dental implants in Richmond or anywhere in the UK for that matter is a big decision and one which is not to be taken lightly. It’s important to understand that while implants are an ideal treatment for people with missing teeth their success does rely on several factors which includes the patient’s total commitment before, during and after the procedure.

Healing takes time

dental implants in RichmondThe overall healing time for straightforward dental implant surgery can take anywhere up to 9 months. The reason for this is because the implants have to fuse with the jawbone and the surrounding gum tissue in a process known as osseointegration. It’s only after this has happened that the dental implant will be strong enough to support a dental device such as an individual crown, denture, or dental bridge.

Take all medication

During the early days of healing you may be prescribed antibiotics and antiseptic mouth washes and it’s important to take these as directed by your dentist. These will help to relieve any pain and discomfort that you may be experiencing.

Change your diet

To avoid any damage to the implant following surgery it’s important to eat a diet of soft foods which don’t have any hard bits that could get caught in sutures or gaps. Foods such as yoghurt, eggs, mashed potatoes and soup are ideal. Foods which require very little chewing are the perfect choice to aid healing. As time goes on you can gradually introduce harder foods but it’s always a good idea to check with your dentist first.

Cold compresses

It’s not uncommon to experience a little bruising and swelling after oral surgery and using a cold compress can ease the discomfort and help reduce any pain.

Rest up

Following surgery it’s important to focus on healing and this means taking plenty of rest in the early days and not trying to push yourself too early. Certain physical exercises are best avoided until you’re closer to full healing and your dentist will discuss this with you.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is known to slow down the healing process and make the recovery period take even longer. It also increases the risk of dental implant failure. To avoid any possible risks or complications most dentists will insist you stop smoking a few weeks before surgery and for several months after osseointegration has taken place, if not for good.

Attend all scheduled appointments

During the course of your healing you’ll be asked to attend several appointments to check that all is going to plan and that there are no problems. It’s really important that you contact your dentist immediately if you notice anything untoward, as the sooner a problem is spotted, the quicker it can be dealt with and the less risk there is of implant failure.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond and would like more information about the procedure itself and the recovery period, then call Sheen Dental today on 020 8876 5277 and book a free no obligation consultation, alternatively visit the website at for further information.