How Long does Dental Implant Treatment Take?

Whether you’re looking into dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country you’ll know that they’re unlike any other form of teeth replacement in many ways. Aside from being life-like they’re also considered a permanent solution to missing teeth. However in order to achieve the holy grail of great looking, problem-free teeth, it takes time. But how much? Let’s take a closer look.

dental implants in RichmondUnlike many types of dentures and dental bridges where you can walk in one day with missing teeth and walk out with a new set of dentures, you can’t really do this with standard dental implants. Although there are relatively new processes on the market known as ‘immediate implants’ they won’t be for everyone and the norm is that for those going through the implant process, it can take anywhere between four and nine months. This does depend on any additional treatments that may or may not be needed including bone grafts and sinus lifts, and on the individual themselves. This is the reason why the time-scale is often so varied.

Implantation stages – Consultation

Dental implants are fitted in several stages and it all starts with the consultation. It’s where the dental team get to map out your personal treatment plan. After running a series of tests including oral scans, X-rays and examinations and receiving knowledge about your lifestyle and overall health, they’ll develop a bespoke treatment plan detailing time scales of events and any actions/pre-treatments that need to be taken. Once this has been agreed by both the patient and the dental team then it’s possible to move onto the second phase of treatment.

Implant fitting

Assuming that all (if any) pre-treatments such as bone grafting or sinus lifts have been carried out, the implants are ready to be placed. In a pain-free procedure, titanium rods are fastened into the jaw bone and will act as a platform to secure the crowns or dentures on to. However before the crowns are fitted, it’s vital that a natural process takes place.


After the implants have been anchored securely into the jaw bone an important process known as osseointegration takes place. This is a natural process where the bone tissue surrounding the titanium implant forms a bond with it to make a very strong platform. It takes somewhere between 4-12 weeks depending upon the individual and is vital to the success of dental implants.

Abutment and crown placement

Finally providing that the osseointegration process has been successful and the implant is rock solid, then the abutment and crown are fitted. This requires another small surgical process where a tiny incision is made in the gum exposing the implant once more. The abutment itself is a small socket-like joint which is attached onto the implant. It acts as a shock-absorber cushioning the force of a bite and dissipating it through the implant into the jaw. Once the abutment is securely in position the crown can be finally fitted giving you a great looking tooth replacement that should last for many years to come.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and the process as a whole then speak to Sheen Dental. We’ve many years’ experience in fitting dental implants at our Sheen clinic so why not come and talk to us using our free, no-obligation consultation service. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered giving you all the information necessary so that you can make an informed decision about your dental future. Contact us on 020 8876 5277, or visit our website at to book yours today.