How Long Do Implants Actually Last?

One of the major problems with dental implants is that they’ve received a lot of hype over the years and none more so than when it comes to longevity. I’m sure that if you’ve been doing some research into the implant process then you’ll have come across the statement that “dental implants can last a lifetime”. While this isn’t technically an untruth, it is at the very least ambiguous.

dental implants in RichmondYou see, whether you undergo a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, there are many underlying factors that can have an affect on the longevity of your implants. So here’s what we do know..

The very first dental implants ever fitted were placed into a Swedish patient back in 1965 and they were still in near perfect condition until his death in 2006. So we know with some certainty that implants can last at least 41 years. Ever since then, thousands of patients have been fitted with implants and as many are still alive and well, we simply don’t really know whether implants can surpass this.

So why can’t dental implants last “a lifetime”?

As already mentioned there are a number of factors that can have a detrimental affect on implant longevity. These include,

  • Improper or incorrect placement by the dental surgeon
  • Placing them into insufficient or unhealthy bone
  • Wrong implant choice
  • Failure to carry out proper daily brushing and flossing
  • Lifestyle choices such as heavy smoking and drinking
  • Health issues such as osteoporosis and diabetes
  • Stress and psychological problems such as teeth grinding
  • Gum disease or bacteria

and the list goes on….

The reality is that there’s no way that we can put a definitive time scale on the longevity of dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental, we’ve been fitting implants with great success at our Sheen clinic for many years and the one thing we tell all our patients is that it isn’t a fit and forget process. Instead it’s a life-long commitment by both the patient and the dental surgeon to care for them. If the patient fails to fulfil their part of the bargain by not practising high standards of oral cleanliness, or we fail to spot any problems during a regular routine check-up should they arise, then it could be a recipe for implant failure. If on the other hand a patient practices regular brushing, flossing and attends regular check-ups without fail, then there’s no reason why they won’t last.

Over 10,000 dental implants are fitted every single day in the UK and statistics show that over 90% of all implants fitted go on to be successful. If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can bring back your smile and your confidence and change your life for the better, then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with us. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered leaving you to make a fully informed decision. Contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at to book your consultation today.