How do Dental Implants And Dental Bridges Differ?

If you’re missing a tooth or teeth then you have a number of different replacement options with the two main ones being a dental bridge or a dental implant. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we’re often asked if there is a difference between the two, so we thought we’d use an explanation of the two, as the basis of this blog.

dental implants in RichmondBoth bridges and implants offer a fixed, non removable solution to a missing tooth or teeth.

However, the most significant difference between the two is how the new teeth are held in place. A bridge is used to ‘bridge’ the gap left by one or more missing teeth, alleviates stress in the bite, and also helps to maintain the shape of the face; whereas an implant provides an ultra strong support for permanent (fixed) teeth or removable replacement teeth (dentures) which are crafted to match your natural teeth.

Aesthetically there’s very little difference between the two although they both have their own particular advantages. Bridges can be made from porcelain, gold or alloys or a combination of all these materials and are attached to teeth either side of the gap for support. A bridge can help to restore your smile and improve your ability to chew and speak properly. They also prevent other teeth from shifting out of position and help retain your facial contours. If you’re looking to replace one or more teeth with a bridge then the major advantage of this treatment is that it can be carried out relatively quickly by your dentist and does not require surgery.

Implants too have their fair share of advantages with the main one being the fact they they stand alone and do not require for neighbouring teeth to be modified to attach them. Just as with bridges they restore your smile, give you back your confidence, shape your face, and let you eat your favourite foods painlessly and with confidence. For traditional implants the length of the procedure can take up to 9 months or even longer, depending on the individual and does require surgery to place the implants into the jawbone. The good news is that cared for properly they have the ability to last for decades.

If you’d like to learn more about bridges and dental implants in Richmond, then why not schedule a free no-obligation consultation. Here you’ll get to meet the dental team, view our dental facilities, and have all your questions answered. Call us on 020 8876 5277 or you can book an appointment using our website at