What Does ‘Eligibility’ Mean When It Comes To Dental Implants In Richmond?

So you’re considering undergoing dental implants in Richmond and you’ve done your homework and read up as much as you can on the subject. However in your research you might have come across something about ‘eligibility’. What do they mean? Is it like an elite club? Are you going to get turned away at the clinic for not having the right credentials? In all seriousness, eligibility means something totally different. Let’s take a look.

dental implants in RichmondEven though dental implant surgery is the most advanced form of tooth replacement that we have, it does carry some risks. Not life threatening risks, but the risk of the implant failing.

Even though success rates are in the high 90% bracket, dentists have to make sure that dental implants are given every chance to survive and thrive once placed into the mouth of the patient. After all, they don’t come cheap! This is why potential patients will undergo a series of examinations and questions about their medical background, their lifestyle and of course their overall oral health.

So why is this important?

Let’s say for example that a smoker visited a clinic enquiring about dental implants. Unless they promised to quit then there’s a strong chance that they might be ineligible for treatment. This hasn’t got anything to do with anti-smoking, but more to do with implant success. You see, substances contained in tobacco smoke carry bacteria which can affect newly placed implants. In addition, it’s well documented that smoking can also slow down the body’s ability to create new bone and unfortunately for them, bone growth is vital for implants to succeed. The same applies to people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol or those with uncontrollable diabetes.

From a medical perspective too, those who’ve had radiation treatment around the face and neck area, or who have ongoing heart problems may also find themselves ineligible because of the fact that dental implants involve a surgical procedure.

So does this mean every case is excluded?

In a word, no! Instead an experienced dental implant dentist will take every case on its own merits. If for example you take a smoker who was prepared to quit at least for the duration of the treatment then the dentist may be prepared to go ahead. The same goes for someone with uncontrollable diabetes. If they managed to show that they have got their diabetes under control, then again. the dentist might consider it.

In truth, there are far more people that can have dental implants in Richmond than can’t. Even if this is the case now, their circumstances might be different in say 6 months time. If you want to find out more about eligibility and whether you’re a candidate then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free no obligation consultation. Alternatively log on to our site at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk and you’ll find a wealth of information about dental implants to help you make an informed dental decision.