I have a fear of the dentist

If you have a fear of the dentist, Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond are here to help you. In our practice, dentures can be fitted using sedation techniques. This is to ensure all our patients are as calm as possible during their chosen procedure.

What sedation options are available?

We offer IV sedation for many of our procedures, including implant retained dentures in Richmond. IV stands for intravenous. Medication that is administered intravenously is administered through the veins. It has rapid effects and many of our patients prefer this option. Our patients are surprised at how easy it is, as well as how relaxed they are during the procedure.

Dentures in RichmondWhat are the benefits?

IV sedation is designed to relax you and make you feel completely comfortable. IV sedation also eliminates your anxiety and pain. Although you may lie back in the dental chair with your eyes closed, you will not be asleep during your procedure. You will still be able to respond to verbal cues from your dentist.

Because you are completely relaxed, your dentist can accomplish your implant retained dentures in Richmond in less time. IV sedation can benefit you if you have a delicate gag reflex or difficulty sitting in the dentists’ chair for long periods of time.

You will feel so relaxed, that you will be unaware of the sights, smells and sounds of the dental practice. Our patients normally remember little, or nothing of their appointment by the next day.

IV sedation, for your implant retained dentures in Richmond, also gives your dentist optimal control of the amount of medication administered and allows them to readily increase or decrease your level of sedation whenever it is needed, both quickly and comfortably.

I am afraid of needles

Fear of needles is not unusual. Some patients feel they are not able to tolerate IV sedation for this reason. However, most people describe the sensation as a small pinch or prick. At Sheen Dental Implants, our dentists can further reduce the feeling of the needle going in by giving you an oral sedative beforehand, to make your experience as relaxing as possible.