Implant dentures: the full story

At Sheen Dental Implants, Richmond, dentures are one of our key treatments and we talk every patient through each stage of the process, step-by-step.

The initial consultation

Dentures in RichmondBefore your procedure can begin, our dentists will review every case on an individual basis. We will examine your dental records, to ensure you mouth is healthy enough for your implant retained dentures. The purpose of your consultation is to determine the quality and quantity of your bone, as well as finding the perfect location for placing your implants. Your dentist will always choose the area of your jawbone that has the highest bone mass. This is typically at the front of your mouth. The front of the jaw is also preferred as it does not have many nerves or structures that may lead to complications during the procedure.

We will take x-rays and take impressions of your teeth. We also use CT scans to give us a fully formed view of your dental health. The impressions of your teeth will be used to make a model of your teeth structure, to give us the dimensions for your temporary denture.

The procedure

Your implant retained dentures in Richmond will start with the placing of your implants directly into your jawbone. For this process we use a local anesthetic, so that minimal pain will be felt. After this quick procedure is completed, your dentist will stitch over the implant. This is because it will need time to heal into your jawbone. This process is called osseointegration and is a fundamental part of the implant retained denture procedure.

Healing period

Osseointegration can take up to six months to occur, as the implant biologically fuses to the jawbone. Once this fusion process has occurred, you will be ready for the rest of the procedure.

Topping it off

We will use an X-ray to confirm the success of the osseointegration period and then make a small incision into the gum, to expose the implant head. We will then place a round piece of metal onto the implant, which is known as a healing cap. This will remain in place for up to two weeks, allowing the gums to heal. After this time, your new dentures in Richmond will be tailor-made for you and fitted onto the implant.