Is A Dental Implant Procedure More Painful Than A Tooth Extraction?

At Sheen Dental we’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond for many years and our patients often wonder whether undergoing implant treatment is more painful than a tooth extraction – a procedure that they’ve typically experienced before. While there’s no definitive answer as everyone’s pain sensors are different, we can say with experience that the majority of patients report feeling less discomfort during the implant procedure than with any tooth extraction process.

dental implants in RichmondWhile it’s true that to place a dental implant requires skilful surgery, the process will have an element of pain and discomfort attached to it. That said as carefully controlled anaesthesia is administered most patients experience minimal, or in many cases no discomfort, during simple implant treatment.

What about other procedures?

Patients who undergo further supplemental treatments such as bone grafts, may experience slightly more discomfort than your average implant patient but again, pain can be controlled to an extent using the latest conscious sedation techniques – particularly in those who are more sensitive to pain.

That’s all well and good but what about after surgery?

Again any pain or discomfort experienced is often comparable to any other similar dental procedure. Since small incisions are made in the gum a patient may experience slight bleeding at the implant site and a little discomfort immediately after surgery when the effects of the anaesthetic wear off. This is generally within a 1-3 hour period after surgery. Patients who have undergone bone grafting and those who had had more complex implant treatment may also experience slight bruising to the face and gums. There might also be some swelling in those areas too. However, in most cases pain and swelling can be quickly brought under control with the administration of basic over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen, codeine and paracetamol.

Although no two cases are alike, in most cases patients are pleasantly surprised to find that the implant procedure from surgery through to recovery is less painful than they thought it was going to be. In fact some patients tell us that the whole process is less painful than many other dental procedures they’ve experienced down the years including tooth extractions, root canals, fillings, and bridge placement.

If you want to find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental future. To book yours either do so via our website at, or alternatively call us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.