What Are My Treatment Options If I’ve lost A Tooth?

Dental Implant in Richmond, Bridge or Denture?

dental-implantsEveryone would like their teeth to look great well into their old age, and by maintaining a good level of oral hygiene and regularly visiting their dentist, the chances of this happening are significantly increased.

Unfortunately the reality is that most people at some time in their life will experience decay and what started out as a minor issue, if not treated in its early stages, can soon progress to something far more serious.

No matter how good your dentist is, a tooth is always left weakened after it has been filled, and consequently there’s always a risk of the decay returning, and weakening the tooth even more. Once a tooth has been weakened to the extent that a filling is no longer an option, then the next step is to place a dental crown. However, crowns need a certain amount of the natural tooth structure to be present in order to cling on to, and to give the tooth back some of its strength. In borderline cases where there isn’t sufficient tooth left, a better option may be to remove the tooth and replace it with an artificial alternative.

Dentures, bridges, and implants

When it comes to replacing the missing tooth, there are 3 main options.

The most common option would be to have a denture fitted. Most people are aware of the inconveniences associated with a denture and the limitations.

A bridge is another solution which is more effective. However, the downside of this treatment is that it depends on there being a tooth adjacent to each side of the gap to support the bridgework. What’s more, these healthy teeth then have to be ground down so that the bridge can be fitted. Here at Sheen Dental we prefer to avoid damaging a healthy tooth wherever possible.

Opinion nowadays is that a dental implant is the very best option for replacing a missing tooth. Not only is it strong with a proven longevity, but it looks and feels extremely natural. If cared for properly a patient can expect their implant to last on average, 20 years if not more.

To find out more about getting dental implants in Richmond, why not take advantage of our free no-obligation consultation. Here you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, have a look round our facilities, and get all of your questions and concerns answered. Call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.