Dental Implants – It’s All In The Preparation!

What many people don’t realise when considering a dental implant in Richmond, is that the success of the implant is mostly down to the preparation that takes place beforehand. Placing a dental implant is a very skilled procedure and requires for the dentist to have completed several years of additional training to be able to perform this treatment in his clinic.

dental-implants-richmondThis additional treatment is essential, as even though drilling a hole into the jawbone to place a small screw-like object doesn’t sound that difficult, it’s actually a very sophisticated procedure. In fact, making sure that everything has been put into place before surgery, plays a large part in the success of the implant.

Oral health

One of the most important factors for implant success is that it is placed into a healthy mouth. For this reason we check carefully for any signs of gum disease, especially in the implant area. The bone in which the implant is to be placed can be at risk of attack from gum disease, so it’s vital that we treat and eliminate any gum disease before going ahead with placing your implants.

We’ll also ask you to refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking for some weeks before and after the procedure. This will help improve oral health and lower the risk of infection.

X-rays and Scans

Once we’re happy with your oral health, the first step of the implant procedure is to take X-rays and scans of the area where the implant is to be placed. This will help us determine whether or not there is sufficient bone in which to place the titanium implant, and also allows for precision placement of the implant. If the scan reveals a lack of bone, then we may have to supplement your bone with a bone graft procedure.

If the implant isn’t aligned correctly, it can put pressure on the surrounding teeth, which over time, can cause them to move or become crooked. This could then put undue stress on the implant and lead to further issues. As a result a lot of time is spent carefully mapping out the right place for the implant, to avoid any such risks.

Thanks to our meticulous planning and the high levels of training that our implant team have undergone, you can rest assured that your implant has been given the very best chance of success that modern dental technology offers.

If you’re interested to find out more about receiving dental implants in Richmond then why not come and have a chat with us at Sheen Dental. You can book a free implant consultation by calling 020 8876 5277 or book online at