When Single Tooth Extraction May Be Necessary

The main goal of any dentist is to preserve the health of the teeth to try and prevent oral complications from occurring; and to treat any complications that do occur so as to restore health and functionality to the teeth. In short everything is done to allow a patient to maintain and keep their natural teeth healthy. Unfortunately this goal isn’t always achievable and sometimes there are cases where a tooth is damaged or injured beyond repair. In challenging cases like this often oral surgery is the only option if the health and structure of other teeth is not to be compromised. In many cases this may mean tooth extraction.

Candidates for tooth extractionDental Implants in Richmond

Anyone who is suffering from any of the above concerns is a likely candidate for tooth extraction. Provided the tooth is not broken or badly damaged extraction should be a simple process carried out under local anaesthetic. The tooth is grasped and loosened to extract it. For teeth that are badly damaged, broken or impacted then oral surgery under a general anaesthetic may be required. Candidates for this type of surgery need to be in good overall health and not at risk of surgical complications

When might tooth extraction be needed?

Tooth extraction seems to go against the grain of what dentistry is all about and when extraction is mentioned then it’s only natural that patients feel apprehensive and hesitant. Here at Sheen Dental tooth extraction is always a last resort but in some cases it is necessary and helpful for adjacent teeth too. Extraction can be necessary in the following cases:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • Infection which can’t be treated
  • Tooth has ‘died’ due to injury
  • Wisdom tooth is painful and compromising structure of mouth and other teeth

In all of these cases if the tooth can’t be saved (or in the case of a wisdom tooth isn’t needed) then extraction is necessary to protect a patient’s remaining teeth and preserve their oral health.

After extraction

Once a tooth has been extracted then the next step will be to look at restorative dental care. It’s important to replace a missing tooth to preserve the mouth’s structure, restore oral health and maintain a healthy looking smile. There are several options for individual tooth replacement but the most common treatment is a dental bridge or a dental implant. In Richmond, we’re a long established dental clinic with extensive experience in general dentistry, orthodontic, cosmetic and dental implant procedures.

Book a consultation

If you have a tooth that is severely damaged or decayed and would like to know more about dental implants in Richmond then why not book a free consultation with Sheen Dental and let us discuss your dental options. You can call us on 020 8876 5277 to make a booking or use our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.