Why Put Up With Loose Dentures When Dental Implants in Richmond Can Help

There’s no getting away from the fact that a loose or ill-fitting set of dentures can be a miserable experience for the wearer. They can be a means of acute embarrassment and cause a once-confident individual to become socially withdrawn. What’s more, they can also cause pain and discomfort. So just why do dentures become loose and more importantly what are the alternatives?

Snug fitting dentures will only stay that way for so long because over time, due to tooth loss, a natural process known as bone resorption occurs. In essence the shape of your jaw changes gradually over time, meaning that eventually your once great-fitting dentures will become loose. To counteract this, your dentures will have to be adjusted periodically to match the changing shape of your face until eventually they can’t be adjusted any more. When this happens they either become so loose that they cause problems such as an inability to eat what you like; they rub against the gum causing soreness; or they have to be completely replaced.

So what are your options?

dental implants in RichmondThe good news is that you do have options in the form of dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental, we’ve replaced many full dentures with All-on-4 implants. So how do they work?

In essence, 4 strategically placed implants are placed into position along the bottom of the jaw. Once in place a modified or new set of dentures is then clipped or ‘snapped’ onto the implants. The result is a complete set of dentures, which won’t move, won’t cause any embarrassing situations and most importantly won’t cause any pain. You’ll still have to remove the dental implant denture for proper cleaning as you would a normal denture, but aside from this it’s a hassle free solution.

If you want to find out more about just how All-on-4 dental implant dentures can help you, then why not come and speak to Sheen Dental about your options. Living with loose dentures can be a miserable experience and we believe you should never have to suffer in silence with your existing dentures. Give us a call on 020 8876 5277, or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for further information on all our implant procedures. Dental implants in Richmond don’t get any easier than this so come and speak to us today for an informal chat. Dr Harmit Kalsi and his team are standing by to help.