Gaps to be filled

Small changes can make a big difference. Losing a single tooth can leave you with a gap in both your life and your smile. It might be that eating hard food is causing you pain or losing your tooth has had an impact on your speech. Over time, the missing tooth can even affect the remaining teeth, causing them to shift and topple into the gaps. Tooth loss is a vicious circle and you might want to stop it from spiralling out of control by getting dental implants in Richmond.

Dental Implants in RichmondAt Sheen Dental Implants, our dentists are in the know about the anxieties that individual patients may have before treatment. In Richmond, dental implants are a safe and viable answer to the dreaded question of tooth loss. It’s hard to anticipate the loss of a tooth, but it’s good to know where you can go and what can be done.

Just like the real thing

Dental implants are small titanium screws that serve as artificial roots. If you lose a single tooth, you will have a single implant. If you lose several teeth, two or more implants will be fitted into your jawbone, depending on what you require. Once the implant has integrated with your jawbone, it secures the natural-looking replacement. These replacement teeth are created just for you by dental technicians, made to match the colour of your remaining teeth and restore your smile. Others will find it hard to notice the difference between your natural teeth and the dental implants.

If you are feeling especially nervous about having dental implants in Richmond, talking about your concerns can be a big help. Our dentists at Sheen Dental Implants will welcome you into a calm and sympathetic environment, so you can feel as relaxed as possible. One of our dentists can talk you through the treatment and even discuss sedation if you are especially concerned about the pain. That way, your nerves can be eased a little more. Although treatment can cause some discomfort, it soon goes away. Then you can get on with the smiling and laughing you might have missed out on for a little while.